
Back when I was a full time English teacher and part time grammar Nazi, I would often argue the difference between despite and inspite.

Bad inspite of good. Good despite of bad.

Despite is always followed by a negative.

Last year was a lot of negative. There are no words to describe how grueling 2020 was. The pandemic have killed many, both literally and figuratively. Many people got sick and died. Many people lost their livelihood.

The normalcy that we are all so comfortable in have crumbled, and we are now forced to adapt to this “new normal”. Travel has become dreadful and difficult. Working has become more challenging. School has stopped indefinitely. And human connections as we knew it have changed forever.

And that is where ‘despite’ should come in.

Despite losing loved ones, there are people who did not lose faith in God.

Despite losing jobs because of the pandemic, some people have found their passion and purpose.

Despite all our struggles, we have family and friends who never stop supporting us.

Despite some people discriminating special needs children, there is still so much kindness in the universe.

Despite the many arguments in our relationships, there is still a lot of love.

Despite is searching for the silver lining. It’s looking for that rainbow after the storm. It’s making lemonades out of all the lemons life throws at you.

So despite of the literal purgatory that was 2020, let’s face 2021 with hope, love, and kindness.

Happy new year to all!